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Mobile Software

Statistics on the penetration of Smartphones and Internet usage on these devices predict that more than 50% of Internet connections will be via mobile devices in 2015.

T&T allows you to anticipate evolution, to take advantage of technological progress and to get ahead of your competition by getting applications that allow you to reach a wide audience and to accompany your clients on their mobile phones everywhere where they are.

Web Applications

Web sites and applications accessible via Internet or Intranet allow you to consolidate your data, to focus your management efforts and to have immediate access to your data anywhere and anytime you want.

With Web 2.0 technologies and thinks to the advanced skills of our team in Human Computer Interaction sciences, take advantage of Web applications with very dynamic interfaces that put users at the center of the software design, allowing them to generate the content and to own it. Our watchwords are: Simplicity, Accessibility and Usability.

Desktop Applications

We develop desktop software as complementary modules for Mobile applications and Web applications to provide some functionalities for specific needs (eg. Administration) .

For more information, contact us..
